lose weight

Monday, November 22, 2010

New measures to lose weight eat snacks slim

Snacks to lose weight for some people is taboo, for others it is little help to lose weight. These two arguments where to start it? Here to help you answer this question.

Snacking in moderation

"There is evidence that small meals often to consume more calories," director of the Yale Prevention Research Center, MD, David Katz said. "Eat meals and snacks to help you avoid when unchecked." But to reap these benefits, every bite snacks are important.

Most traditional snacks are not healthy choices - they provide a lot of calories and no nutrition at all, Tampa, Florida, the American Dietetic Association spokesman 辛菲娅莎斯 said. Unfortunately, many people choose their health any good snacks - handy in a colleague's desk fishing for candy, cookies, coffee shop, or vending machines inside a bag of potato chips.

And these do not include drinks that we may intake of calories from: People usually while eating high-calorie snacks while drinking beverages happy - was not consciously eat less to make up the present indulgence.

It is easy to over-consumption of sweets or starchy high-calorie snacks, because they are tasty and easy to obtain. Will see these things lying unthinking people to eat together.

The danger is that snacking increase your daily intake of calories. Your body needs a daily intake of more than 100 calories, weight ten pounds a year you will. So a good calculation of calorie snacks is very important.

Choose snacks wisely

Many businesses have found the demand for healthy snacks, you can grocery stores, convenience stores convenient to buy fruit, nuts or other small portions of low calorie snacks. Of course, you can bring their own snacks. For example, Dr. Katz's choice may be with a zipper and small, filled with fresh fruit, dried fruit, nonfat yogurt, baby carrots, nuts or seeds can be eaten in a day periodically.

Choice snack time can also keep you healthy. University of North Florida, is principally responsible for nutrition programs Catherine Chris kay that if the time is too long between meals, you are likely to be a lack of energy and excessive hunger. You become greedy hunger snack before, probably when a meal you will eat less.

Finally, the weight of snacks should be moderate. Einstein College of Medicine in New York nutritionist Ji Enya still suggest that if you really can not do without snacks, then one day you 10% of their calories intake by way of snacks. Eating well means eating the right foods and the proper way to eat with a variety of foods, snack foods is just one way.

If you feel the energy on the decline

Strategy: to coffee or tea to absorb a little caffeine can increase your energy and sensitivity levels. Add a little sugar or low-fat milk, will increase only 50 calories. Eat some complex carbohydrates and protein containing foods can also provide energy.

Carbohydrates provide the body with fuel, and the protein can increase the brain's dopamine levels, thereby raising alertness. Healthy choices include: a dried fruit or nuts, a cheese sandwich of whole wheat biscuits, a boiled egg, or yogurt plus one tablespoon of cereal.

If there is to eat several hours before the time, but you are now hungry

Solution: In order to provide lasting energy, should eat a snack with fiber and protein. (Also a good way to overcome before going to bed hungry) Detroit, Wayne State University study found that some develop 90 minutes after dinner to eat some snacks (including cereal and milk) habits, with those who want to eat to compared to people who eat, they reduced the average daily calorie intake.

Cereal contains fiber and protein to keep them full status, but also to prevent arbitrary eat at night. Some just hungry foods include: carrots add black beans mud, or an add a tablespoon of low fat peanut butter bread.

If you need to exercise snack before or after exercise

Solution: before exercise, eat some foods containing complex carbohydrates such as fruit or whole grain cereals can provide the energy required for exercise. Campaign, eat some high-quality protein, such as low-fat yogurt or whole grain cereal.

Weight training will stimulate muscle cell growth, and growth of muscle cells rely on proteins. Therefore, in the exercise before the exercise, the workout can eat plenty of fruits.

If the pressure to make you irrepressible desire of eating and drinking

Countermeasures: University of California, a study found that eating - especially eating those sugary and fatty foods - the body seems to respond to pressure, put down a method of hormone levels.

But before you go to vending machines, do a deep call, stop in to buy things for 15 minutes before; drink a cup of hot drinks, such as tea, then a call to a friend or a walk to distract yourself.

If you still want to eat something, then you probably already hungry. Eat a little snack bar to satisfy your own desires, such as a small piece of chocolate, plus a small cup of skim milk. In fact, although some high-calorie snacks, but as long as you can How to eat, you can get that slim body.

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