lose weight

Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter melon soup detox weight, health, weight loss of 20 pounds

Shaoliangduocan system. And ate the last few bites, such as cold drink soup. Insist on eating shrimp braised winter melon, a month with regular exercise (walking) can thin about 15-20 kilograms. Important to note, do not eat shrimp head, because it also contains high cholesterol!
15 pounds of melon on thin thin soup detox
Ingredients: Shrimp / dried shrimps can, melon.
1 peeled shrimp to shrimp line, wash, drain water into the bowl;
2 melon, peeled and cut into small domino pieces to the heart.
3 wok cook until shrimp with cold water cook until the melon with melon Sulan cooked together, a little salt, chicken seasoning Sheng admission bowl. (Condiments nearly put less)
Scientific basis:

Since ancient times, is considered melon wonderful weight loss product, is different from other fruits, non fat and low sodium content, humidity and diuretic effect.
Melon has a high nutritional value. Hectogram melon meat containing 0.4 grams of protein, 2.4 grams carbohydrates, 20 mg calcium, phosphorus 12 mg, 0.3 mg of iron, as well as a variety of vitamins, especially the high content of vitamin c, hectogram containing 16 mg. In addition, for containing alcohol acid, therefore preventing the body fat, increase fitness, has an important role.
Melon cold, flesh and the flesh has a diuretic, heat, phlegm, thirst and other effects. Also the treatment of edema, Tan Chuan, heat, hemorrhoids embolism. Melon soup, such as skin drink, can be achieved swelling diuretic, Qingre role.


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