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Thursday, December 23, 2010

3 breast Diet, so you want to be a woman breast Chung

Experts suggest that female friends who are able to eat ribs yam soup, stew hamstring Astragalus, seafood cup papaya, peanuts, pig soup, bean soup with breast efficacy of such drink. Colloid content of foods have the same effects, such as pig tail, chicken feet, beef tendon and so on. Can also eat nuts, eggs foods. Rana frog tonic herbs such as breast soup (Rana frog plus red dates with milk taken with boiled water should be taken empty stomach).
First, the drug hamstring soup stew
Ingredients: pig tendon (tendon can be) about 4 two Astragalus a two longan 3 money, wolfberry 3 money, Angelica 3 money 2 money ginseng, rossica 3 money, dodder 3 money.
Approach: first pig tendon treatment clean, hot to the bloody, add water, simmer for about half an hour, then add to the stew of various drugs continue to hamstring Shulan, edible after seasoning with salt, can be eaten as a snack or soup fasting .
Description: FC ingredients of high natural hormone, can beauty, beauty, breast. Angelica longan blood, qi ginseng, medlar nourishing yin, Cistanche kidney, breast eat help to promote smooth, breast development, adjusting the endocrine, skin will become moist.
Suitable for: those in poor shape for breasts.
Second, the yam pork ribs soup
Ingredients: fresh yam a great article about 4 two ribs, Angelica 3 money 2 money Chuanxiong, white peony root 4, money, money 3 Rehmannia, Astragalus 3 money, money 4 Codonopsis, Poria 5 money, wolfberry 3 money, black date 5 tablets Eucommia 5 money 1 money through grass, sesame oil 2 tablespoons ginger 6, rice wine.
Method: Wash the pork ribs to the bloody hot, rinse all of the medicine a little, wrapped with gauze, add boiled 40 minutes; remove the gauze and the spare ribs to cook. Blocks had been cut and then add the fresh yam cook for 5 minutes, add salt to food can be cooked yam.
Description: The prescription of Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Poria, Licorice, that is, Decoction, spleen qi, angelica, peony, Chuanxiong, Moreover, the Si Wu Tang to blood; qi Astragalus, Eucommia kidney, through the grass to pass milk, blood sufficient natural breast fullness.
For the object: for breast hypoplasia, lack of post-partum milk, or breast reduction who postpartum.
Third, the seafood papaya cup
Ingredients: oysters, clams, a green papaya

Method: Wash oysters, clams have been the first spit of sand and salt water soak a clean, green papaya cut in half the children in clean water. Then the oysters, clams, cut open cut has been placed in the top half of the papaya, sprinkled with cheese powder, the material will wrap with plastic wrap and placed in microwave for 10-15 minutes, then add salt to taste papaya Shulan, as a snack or meal consumption.
Description: The papaya is rich in vitamin C, can promote the secretion of milk, eat can also make the skin smooth, white skin and can be beauty.
For the object: the breast lack of flexibility, those in poor shape. Often eat, the best to eat at least 1-2 times a week, each course at least 3 months. And depending on the situation after the diet, please modify the prescription of Chinese medicine again, so that development is more complete.

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