lose weight

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12 hungry coup ended, the winter weight loss without dieting

Against hunger, is to lose weight and sisters forever in the hearts of the pain. The number of how thin the beauty of the MM but to raise the white flag in front of ah! Now, we give you a laundry list of control appetite for a coup, Check it out, swallowing the MM in the wide open ready to quit eating it?
1. Change to eat dark chocolate
When you want to take a whole milk chocolate oil greedy solution, the better to change to eat a piece of dark chocolate (containing at least 70% cocoa). It can suppress your greedy, but also help keep your blood sugar stable.
2. Allowed to eat sweets
Lose weight does not mean you want to eat do not eat completely, in fact, it does not matter to eat some sweets. Addicted to sweets MM, greedy as to change the time to eat gum. It is not fat, and calories are much lower than biscuits and chocolate.
3. Low Way of the system of hungry snacks
Office of the snacks with half a banana 60 ml of milk and stir milk feet Division aims to add another print ml carrot juice and 60 ml apple juice, chilled in the refrigerator to the Office of the drink. It only contains 121 kilocalories, and it is prone to a sense of fullness, is the best OL snacks.
Skin of the cooked potatoes, breakfast, lunch and dinner to eat 1 to 2 skin of the cooked potatoes, not easy to feel hungry, oh.
Anti-hunger snack along the way when the players go out with 1 to 2 fruit, so you can resist the temptation of fast food restaurants on his way. Apple is the best option. Apple experts known as the ideal fat burning, and easy to carry or purchase at any time, while eliminating greedy and hunger. Quick stop hungry drink 250 ml of tomato juice a pinch of pepper and chili powder to drink, it only contains 13 calories, and the effect wonders Oh hungry system.
4. Soup 3 days per week
Liquid food diet weight loss weight-loss trend in the United States. The theoretical basis of the Act are: liquid food more easily than solid food, and more quickly generate a sense of fullness. Therefore, experts recommend: give yourself a weekly soup 3 days to a variety of low-fat soup as the main food.
5. Bowl of soup before drinking party
Invited to attend the party buffet or a banquet? Suggest that you drink before dinner delicious bowl of homemade vegetable soup, both give you the feeling of fullness, the stomach does not give you a burden. This way, you will be able to suppress their appetite on the party, he should not see any food in any of your weight loss plan oh great benefit.
6. Small dishes, large magical
Everyone knows that the eyes are also involved in eating, you may wish to look at the visual tricks. Small dishes filled with food, makes you think it is a big Sheng were very full meals. Researchers have shown that this can make full sense of the signal ahead of the arrival, help lose weight.
7. Do not forget the protein
You should eat more fish, eggs, lean meat and tofu. Studies have shown that the protein is inhibited hungry trick.
8. Vitamin B6 and Magnesium is a good helper
Then you turn to vitamin B6 and magnesium in it. Appropriate to add them to balance your body's hormonal fluctuations, to control hunger.
9. Outwit your hunger
When you want something to eat, when to drink a glass of water or a cup of tea. If you add a few pieces of fruit, can fill the stomach, the idea to eat something too can easily be dispelled.
10. Brushing against the appetite method
Only make your teeth healthier, but also suppress your appetite after a meal. Mint toothpaste with only the best effect hungry.
11. Regular meals

Do not under any circumstances do not eat breakfast! Eating 3 meals a day, or 5 small meals, but not eating at night! So you can avoid the greedy and hunger attacks.
12. Cooking gum bite
When cooking, do not forget to chew a piece of sugarless gum, so there is no chance of your mouth from time to time to try out your good dishes.

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