lose weight

Monday, December 13, 2010

Reasonably good way to go on a diet of thin women

You never eat too much? You've never tasted the same, such as butter, high-calorie foods? You never snacks interested? Fat cells is in your unconscious state quietly larger. So to lose weight, diet is the first hurdle, the hunger strike is not the best policy, dieting to lose weight is good policy.
Diet and extreme dieting
People live, what would? By the heat. Proper diet, the body needs every day to ensure that the heat (ie basal metabolic rate), not only will not let you become fat, do not make you feel dizzy, vertigo, and even memory loss.
However, if the order to lose weight, eat too little, and even the way to extreme dieting, "perseverance", because of too few calories and can not meet your necessary calories a day's work, the result will be weight loss: weight decreased moment Once back to normal diet, weight rebound is very likely, even more than the weight before you lose weight.
The so-called diet, three meals a day also. Into two meals a day, virtually every time the food intake will increase the intake of calories more than three meals a day when, and will destroy the balance of nutrition. Diet could also be close to high-calorie foods because these foods also contain nutrients the body needs, such as sugar, fat.
One day a man was 6500 kJ of heat is divided into three meals a day, no special circumstances, then breakfast of 2000 kJ, 2000 kJ lunch, and dinner 2500 kJ. If you know the night prior to "summary" meal, breakfast lunch to restrict; if partial eclipse breakfast lunch and dinner to eat a wide variety of food is best.
Breakfast: to provide the brain nutrition
Non-staple food staple of 800 kJ + 1200 kJ
The concept of staple food: rice, 140 grams (1.5 bowl), pasta 150 grams (1), 2 bread and butter, toast 6 slices of French bread 3
Wheat flour noodles in the lowest calories, but high sugar content; soba potassium, phosphorus and other mineral content; the highest calorie pasta, and the highest sugar content. French bread because the bread without oil, so the heat is low, if you love to eat.
Non-staple food concept: the value of food is reflected in non-staple food, cabbage, carrots, fresh mushrooms, pumpkin, rape, tomato, mushroom, and so are the superior choice, you can make salads, hot dishes can be done, you can make soup. Breakfast time is tight, you can also juice, green drink made of pure natural. The amount of one non-staple food can be reached in about two heat indicators 2.
Mushroom salad rape
Method: Wash and cut the rape mushroom cut out aging umbrellas; pot put water, boil put salt, butter, rape and mushroom, boiled water to remove them to sell; Stir in salt, pepper , balsamic vinegar to taste.
Vegetable Omelette
Practice: the wok into the salad, fried eggs, fry protein hardens, when the yolk runny shovel pan, dish topped with spicy sauce, followed by placing tomatoes, cucumber, green vegetables.
Cabbage soup
Practices: in the pan into the cabbage, green peppers, tomatoes, onions and celery, and slowly a few hours of small Huoao
Non-staple food staple of 800 kJ + 1200 kJ
Rules with breakfast, lunch and richer, more complete nutrition. To recommend to you the recipe is vegetables + fish packages. Diversity for food, you can try the latest from the French research scientists: five colors red, yellow, orange and green and white, a color eat food every day.
Weight loss and color related? Orange, orange, red, golden yellow and other bright colors of food can stimulate your appetite, if you have these colors on the table of food, you will unknowingly eat a few mouthfuls, This is very easy for the lay hidden dangers of obesity.
Take the draft Zhu Yu, the only look on the very appetite, although the fish will not gain weight, but eating the chili will be appetizers, a good appetite, and other food will eat more fat in the know unconsciously accumulated.
The milky, white foods, such as tofu, fish, etc. have a certain inhibitory effect on appetite. Green food, like a tender shoot, neutral colors, the food itself does not contain high-fat, and rich nutrients.
So if the seven days of the week there are plans to adjust the color of food, will make a difference to your physique. Eg: Monday is white, recipes for fish, tofu, wild rice and so on.
White: salmon sashimi

Green: German peas salad
Red: tomato beef pie
Mixed colors: pea sprouts mixed with radish sprouts plus hard Ju

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