lose weight

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Top 10 fat burning exercise is worth a try

Beautiful women are constantly thinking about weight loss, here are ten kinds of users recognized as the most effective reduced-fat movement, collected, a reference for everyone.
12 minutes of freestyle, the heat can be consumed 836KJ
Daily consumption of 836KJ movement, 3 times a week to be away from obesity problems. Short time and a large swimming heat consumption is the best choice to save time. Also swimming, freestyle relatively large amount of exercise, only 12 minutes you can consume a lot of heat, quickly try!
10,000 steps a day walking to stay in shape does not rebound
Some feel a little sweat to the speed of walking 10,000 steps a day, you can consume 836KJ. 1 month can lose weight 1kg.
Converted into time, the equivalent of walking 2 hours a day, you can use a little faster than normal walking speed of 4 km distance. Slope of the steps, which are more effective places to walk.
Stretching, the best time adhere to the seven seconds
Do stretching exercise, physical activity should choose their own, under normal circumstances, a round persist about the best 7 seconds. By stretching exercise to lose weight, if she had to give up, will cause the opposite effect, so be sure to adhere to!
More than 20 minutes of jogging can be the effect!
Aerobic exercise can fully burn body fat, and continue to transport Oxygen to all parts of the body, is a superior weight loss results. Jogging is aerobic exercise for 20 minutes, the body fat starts to burn, to lose weight. Swimming, walking, also belong to aerobic exercise, can be selected according to different conditions.
Hot water at 37 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes in the half-length bath
In water at 37 degrees Celsius to activate the body cells soak half-length, speed up metabolism. Leisurely bath in the water, which can effectively promote the sweat excreted, so that you are tender and beautiful from the inside to the outside people. 20-minute soak in the tub is very slimming effect. If you do not like sports to bust with a simple bath to complete the task to lose weight now!
Press 5 seconds 5 points under the ear, to control appetite
Appetite control ear acupuncture points, called hunger point. Under the daily press 5 or so, can effectively reduce the appetite. 5 seconds, press 5, preferably 30 minutes before meals, the better. However, the effect of weight loss also vary.
30-minute foot massage, which can effectively reduce the appetite
Massage, masseur, said, acupressure is very effective in controlling appetite.
By bus, 1 hour stand toe lift, can exercise the leg muscles
Only one-way travel time of the sitting to standing more than consume about 84kJ, from a total consumption of about 167kJ. Lift stand on tiptoe, slim fit ankle can make, it is recommended!
1 hour in the club dance dancing
All parts of the body have been the activities of para para dancing, a sport can only do this to lose weight. Dancing every day, the whole body feels thin.

Want to be more slender, only some can be serious dancing! One hour in the club dance dance, you can consume 836kJ, which is the maximum amount consumed the day. Adhere to more than 20 minutes can be effective. To achieve movement in the entertainment effect, once a day, the body is very useful.
Chew each mouth when eating under 20
A lot of chewing, which can effectively subtract facial fat. At least chewing under 20 can effectively subtract facial fat, so eating habit of swallowing people to improve as soon as possible.

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