lose weight

Thursday, December 9, 2010

4 delicious and reduced fat to thin vegetable juice

Fresh fruit, fresh juice can relieve the body of toxins and waste accumulation, as fresh fruit or fresh vegetable juice into the human digestive system, the make the blood alkaline, the accumulation of toxins dissolved in the cell and excreted.
Tomato juice
Per person per day to eat 2 to 3 tomatoes, vitamin C to meet the needs of the day. Drink a few glasses of tomato juice, you can get a vitamin A needed for day and night for half.
Tomatoes contain a lot of citric acid and malic acid on the metabolism of the body benefit, can promote the formation of gastric juice, greasy foods to strengthen digestion. Vitamin P tomato protect blood vessels, prevent hypertension, and can improve heart function.
Against the tomato juice on the apple juice, pumpkin juice and lemon juice, can play a role in weight loss. In addition, the consumption of a variety of tomato juice can make the skin fit.
Cucumber juice
Drink a lot of the benefits of cucumber juice on the human body. Can regulate blood pressure, prevent heart from excessive stress and atherosclerosis; can calm the nervous system and robust, enhance memory;
Damage to the gums and the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease also have some effect; contains many elements are needed for hair and nails, hair loss and nail to prevent splitting; more powerful diuretic; containing less fat and sugar , is an ideal diet drinks.
Celery juice
Celery flavor fragrance, can enhance the appetite. When the weather is dry and hot, early morning wake up drink a glass of celery juice, feel much better. At best drink between meals celery juice.
Celery juice can be used as a diuretic and laxative, and blood pressure medicine. Because the root of celery leaves are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C and P, it is particularly suitable for celery juice drink vitamin deficiency.

White juice
Cabbage for promoting the recovery of hematopoietic function, anti-hardening of the arteries and prevent the sugar into fat, to prevent the deposition of serum cholesterol with good effect. White juice of vitamin A, can promote the growth of early childhood development and prevent night blindness.
White juice contains selenium, in addition to contribute to prevention of amblyopia, but also help to enhance the body's white blood cells and resistance to bactericidal toxic heavy metals on the body. When infection of the gums caused by periodontal disease, the consumption of cabbage and carrot juice, can not only supply a large number of human vitamin C, also can clean the mouth.

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