lose weight

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

6 Food movement 4 slender legs to create

Easy to lose leg fat does not outline sexy legs, and scientific stovepipe movement is in motion so that every part of the leg, which played even stovepipe purposes. Below the 6 groups stovepipe action, perfect for your legs outlined plans to make your legs skinny perfect ratio. 4 stovepipe and then recommend the food, so you lean a fun time.
6 stovepipe Sports
1. Down the upper body
Legs straight, sitting on the ground, one leg bent on top of the other leg's thigh. And then down to maximize the upper body, legs to the chest as close as possible. At this point both hands to hold the leg straight and toes, adhere to 30 seconds. Alternating legs 10 times each.
2. Shuttlecock
Legs open, shoulder width, raise one leg to paste into the waist, like the other girls, like the action.
At this point other leg's knee is slightly bent. When lifting the left leg and slap with his right hand while his left hand on the natural waist, and vice versa, the left and right legs, repeat 30 times.
3. High leg
Standing on one leg, knee bent 90 degrees the other leg, it is also a right angle with the waist, toe down, left and repeat 30 times.
4. To both sides of the leg
His chair on the side of the body, with one hand on the chair back. In this state, the other side of the leg lift to the side, each doing about 10 times.
5. Bend / straight knee
Feet together, knees slightly bent, the body center of gravity down. Then gently stretch. Repeat 30 times.
6. Lateral leg lift
Side of the state in one leg lifted up, and then restore. Do about 30 times each.
Four stovepipe Food
1. Konjac
Konjac food but will eat to lose weight, and completely free of fat and delicious. And it also contains a wealth of plant fibers to make the lower body lymph flow, prevent edema lower body, especially swollen legs bubble.
2. Banana
Very low fat banana, but also rich in potassium, is an ideal diet food. Both full stomach can reduce the accumulation of fat in the lower body, can eat.
3. Laver

In addition to seaweed rich in vitamins, it also contains a wealth of fiber and minerals, can help drain away the body of waste and the accumulation of water, which played to edema stovepipe effect.
4. Grapefruit
Although the acid is not good imported grapefruit, but to lose weight but super helpful. Grapefruit low calorie, and will not eat fat, but rich in potassium it contains, but also help to reduce lower body fat and water accumulation.

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