lose weight

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

13 fat burning trick to speed up metabolism

Have you ever had your best friend, even if eating a large piece of cheese cake still stay thin, a small mouth and you just enough to "lethal"?? Born metabolic slow you have to take some measures to have a slim. The Fat Burning Rule 13 below, can speed up your metabolism, reduce fat accumulation.

1, calories - double-edged

Experts believe that in the exercise under normal circumstances, as long as your weight multiplied by 11 to get the number of daily calorie intake should be, it can easily lose a day of about 0.5 kg body weight.

In addition, studies have shown that calorie intake is less than the standard of women, their metabolism will reduce the level of 45%.

2, spicy soup

Lunch or dinner suggest you add some hot pepper soup. Pepper can be a temporary increase body metabolism level.

The capsaicin found in peppers, can quickly stimulate the secretion of your body hormones such as adrenaline, speed up the metabolism, thereby enhancing the ability of the body burn fat.

3, the breakfast is very important

You believe that? If you want to speed up the metabolism and lose weight, breakfast is your most important meal. According to research, than those who eat breakfast do not eat breakfast are more likely to reduce the weight.

Because in sleep, the body's metabolism will slow down, and only when you eat again, it will rebound.

So, if you skip breakfast, eat, the body's ability to consume calories before lunch can not reach the normal level. This is why the day is best to have 300 to 400 calorie meal breakfast started, it can immediately put your metabolism into the "working state."

In addition, breakfast should be eaten as much as some high-fiber foods. Used to eating high-calorie breakfast are more likely to feel hungry soon; and high-fiber carbohydrate digestion and absorption of longer, will not lead to the rapid changes in blood sugar the body, you are naturally not so easy to be hungry.

4, the accumulated protein

Studies have shown that accumulation of large amounts of protein can help promote metabolism, prompting more than a day burning 150 to 200 calories.

The main protein from amino acid composition, fat and fiber than the more difficult to be absorbed by the body. So your body must burn more calories to digest it. Of course, this does not mean that your diet contains a lot like the military, like the protein. But you must know that your daily intake of calories in 10 to 35% from protein.

You'd better eat for every meal or snack time to eat every time something like nuts, tuna, low fat protein-rich foods like cheese.

5, I eat, I eat, I Chi Chichi

Sounds like a contradiction: if it wants to lose weight, why should we stop eating? In fact eating 5 to 6 times a day "small meal" more than three meals a day to promote the metabolism much more.

In addition, this can prevent you from overeating because of prolonged hunger. As far as possible each time interval between eating less than 4 hours, and each meal contains protein, can better promote the metabolism.

If you eat a high fiber breakfast cereals and fruit, then at 9,10 o'clock to point yogurt or fruit;

Lunch to eat 100 grams of chicken or fish and vegetable salad; afternoon tea or a banana to eat low-fat cheese; dinner to light, 100 to 150 grams of turkey and fish on it.

6, eat whole grains

Carbohydrates, such as fat bread, white bread and potatoes can accelerate insulin secretion, leading to the accumulation of fat, thereby reducing the level of metabolism, so experts recommend eating high-fiber foods.

In the overall diet, carbohydrates are important, but still have to pay attention to eat vegetables, fruits and grains, so as not to cause insulin levels.

7, wine and dinner can not have both

Like a cocktail before a meal to a glass or two? Advise you to think again. Some studies suggest that meal intake of alcohol can cause about 200 calories.

Also, the human body will give priority to consumption of alcohol, that is, the rest of the meals in the heat is very likely to be in the form of fat stored up. If you really feel like drinking much, I suggest you change the red wine. A glass of red wine only 80 calories.

8, milk - drink more and more beautiful

Go buy it low-fat dairy products. 3 to 4 times a day to drink milk, yogurt and cheese do not eat dairy products women than women to consume 70% of body fat.

The reason is simple: the calcium in dairy products and other substances that can boost your body's metabolism and ability to pass to your body burn fat faster information, and concentrated orange juice to do it.

This feature may be reflected in the dairy calcium than other foods (such as broccoli or concentrated orange juice) was much higher. So, when the female intake of 3 servings of dairy a day and 1,200 milligrams of calcium, it will tend to maximize the consumption of fat.

9, adhere to the "high intensity" physical activity

The high-intensity exercise into your daily exercise is an excellent way to enhance metabolism.

Studies have shown that high-intensity exercise twice a week who is doing the normal movement of people to consume calories 2 times.

Strengthening Exercises There are many ways you can add long-distance running every 5 minutes 30 seconds of the rush of a run, or in the process of cycling exercise with 1 minute climbing.

Maybe you can try alternating 40-minute workout. The best exercise pattern is: 20 to 40 minutes twice a week intermittent intensity exercise 20 to 40 minutes plus two alternate exercise.

10, breaking the laws of your workout

Whenever time permits, when as much as possible into your exercise time into two.

For example: If you do morning exercises for 15 minutes lifting weights, then left to put the 30-minute walk at noon, or night.

This way you will consume 100 to 200 calories. No time? It a few times during the day and more climbing stairs, walking to walk it.

Even if trivial exercise to increase your metabolism enough capacity. Out as long as 5 minutes per hour, even just stand up.

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