lose weight

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Four weight-loss campaign weekend, leisure to enjoy the thin

Usually busy because many people do not have too much time to exercise, over the weekend two days trying to make back all the amount of exercise a week, this campaign is not the right way, here are a few Xiaobian very suitable for your weekend to do sports.
Shopping is a girl's favorite, and finally liberated from the busy work out, but also lose weight, why not?
1, shopping
The crowd: from morning till night stay in the office women.
Rationale: This is the most popular pastimes of women, is also a good aerobic exercise equipment and gym training boring compared to shopping not only for women unknowingly exercise the body, but also please the mood, is the best of both worlds of fitness methods.
Health effects: women shopping as little as two or three hours, as much as one day, constant motion can increase leg strength, consume a lot of body heat, to achieve fitness results.
2 bowling
The crowd: In a post has been done a long time, but for a long time who are not given opportunities for promotion.
Reason: had to work hard, but always suffer from lack of leadership of all ages, you can not change this situation, but when you throw in bowling that moment, all the resentment and anguish seems to have been thrown together, share the pleasure How a "cool" enough word? climbing score you got my confidence down a few Bureau of life and your work and full of hope.
Health effects: as long as you correct posture when bowling, more than 200 muscles in the body can get exercise.
3, mountain climbing
The crowd: the computer room in the dark of the IT work group.
Reason: IT people all day long in the airless room computer, distributed computer all day is cloudy gas and radiation problems, dazed mind, if in the gym on weekends, you breathe the fresh air that long-lost skin and body will be to You issued a strong protest. Weekend climbing, so that their exposure to nature, breathe, sweat happy to boredom and fatigue all week lost.
Health effects: climbing is an excellent aerobic exercise, can promote metabolism, increase blood circulation, but also can improve endurance and leg strength, improve heart and lung function.
4, long-distance running and jogging in water
The crowd: work never spent in sedentary, falling a lot, such as back pain, cervical spondylosis, etc., such as editing, freelance writer and so on.
Reason: It stands to reason people are more applicable to such long-distance running, but running through the weekend focused on two days, not only little effect, and long-distance running is a more intense activity, not on weekends.
Free water jogging has become the latest in a fitness abroad, and is an ideal game.

Because jogging in the water, the body can be evenly distributed load, than the land run has obvious advantages, but also in deep water, the runners legs from shock, and thus not easily injured, whole body after exercise will feel comfortable.
Health effects: water resistance is 12 times the air resistance, the equivalent of 45 minutes running in the water run for two hours on land, water jogging is especially suitable for obese people.
Because the density of water and heat transfer than air, water jogging consumes more energy than land-based, you can gradually get rid of excess body fat.

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