lose weight

Thursday, December 9, 2010

10 diet tips, do not lean diet crazy

Want to really lose weight, there should be a good living habits, following is a summary of Xiaobian 10 strokes for everyone Tips to lose weight, study into the benefits that their own, let it start up. Do not move eat and drink with impunity, and master the techniques of thin, like how to lean on how thin.
1. Banchi cinnamon every day.
2. Drinks containing fruit juice, cellulose will let you produce satiety.
3. Avoid watching television while eating.
4. The food chopped.
5. Soothing music can make chewing slowly.
6. Meal 15 minutes after chewing sugarless gum.
7. Not on the desk to eat lunch.

8. Intake of olive oil.
9. Eat tomatoes.
10. Add a little vinegar.

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