lose weight

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter weight-loss method, get rid of 30 pounds for a winter

Winter MM have appetite, unknowingly eat more and more. Although there are loose-fitting clothing can block you are fat, but the winter is over, accumulation of fat around your lap, you have the nerve to make them come out with you say hello it? Xiao Bian teach you today, to get rid of 30 pounds in the winter fat.
ABC weight-loss diet in winter
A: Beatrice needles
Ingredients: 150g green bean sprouts, celery 50 grams. Sauce: 20 grams of vegetable oil, salt, 1.5 grams, 0.5 grams of MSG.
Method: Wash and cut filaments celery, green bean sprouts washed silk, wok on the stir, hot oil, the raw material under the hot oil was quickly stir fry bean sprouts, jade, salt and monosodium glutamate Britain even pan fried.
Green bean sprouts moisture content of 94.6%, only 18 kcal of energy, large volume low in calories, with heat benefits of water efficiency. Celery is rich in Vitamin P, and dietary fiber, calcium, iron and other nutrients, can be heat lowering blood pressure, prevent hardening of the arteries. Both materials are conducive to weight loss.
B: Pipa Tofu
Materials: South tofu 150 grams, 100 grams of lean minced pork, 2 eggs, starch, salt, cooking wine, pepper, monosodium glutamate, onion, ginger, the amount, ham silk, silk mushrooms a little water, 100 grams of red wine, broth 500 grams.
Method: After the tofu in boiling water mash, with minced meat, egg, starch, salt, cooking wine, pepper, MSG Beat until thick, add onions, ginger, water, stir well, then add a little sesame oil and mix well, with 10 spoon, wipe a little oil, respectively, each poured into a bean curd paste, put ham on silk, silk mushrooms, steamed through the pot, remove to spoon, to a system in place in the session bean curd balls. Boiling broth, add red wine, then poured boiling when the pipa tofu balls.
C: black sesame brown rice porridge
Ingredients: 1 cup brown rice, black sesame seeds 2 tablespoons, 14 cups water, sugar amount.
Method: Wash rice and drain. 14 cups boiling pot, add water, stir into the rice until the boil, simmer for 45 minutes to medium, add black sesame seeds continued to cook for 5 minutes, add sugar melted Serve.
Brown rice can help rule out the stool, lightweight body without losing nutrition.
Movement of thin three measures
The first one: stretch the calf
Feet shoulder width apart, step right foot back a step, to really depress the right foot with the body to lean forward, so head to the heels of a ramp into a straight line, but note that the left knee over the toes to avoid, for 30 seconds. Side of the action for the redo, repeat three times can be. Buttocks, abdomen to tighten the center line of the body to maintain a straight line, and stride to be wide enough, the first toe into the open arms after a considerable distance from the heel. This set of actions you can practice at lunch time.
The second measure: the United States back to practice

Erect, feet slightly wider apart at the hips, knees slightly. Eyes straight ahead, back straight. Both hands to hold a two-pound ball or other heavy objects, etc., on your hips. Right hand holding his arms straight on the move, pass the ball in the head at the left hand. Arms drop back to the buttocks, to start passing up and down movements. Action look like arms turning windmill. Repeat pass action 20 times. Action should be slow, do not rely on momentum to movement.
The third measure: face-lift massage
Cheek meat in a place where most of the way with a squeeze Na, stretching from the inside out. Cheek bone in the fat part of the vertical pull, and pull out. Then slowly move down the location to the nose up. A movement of about 5 seconds, sustained for 1 minute. Hands to the cheeks with a focus on smooth nasolabial fold wrinkles (fine lines nose), skin in landscape opened. Palm of your hand to push from the inside out to about 2-3 seconds until the outer contour. Repeated for 1 minute. Along the orbit, cheek bone to fingertip tapping. Carried to the temple will feel the spirit of comfortable. Coated with honey + salt, wrap with plastic wrap his hands gently stroked the entire face, stayed 3 minutes.

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