lose weight

Friday, December 17, 2010

Eating five small trick, thin out the sexy figure

Many friends may have to lose weight and hair in worry about it. In fact, if you know some tips on life, losing weight is not all that difficult to legend! Today we collected Xiaobian for the five weight-loss trick, as long as you pay attention to the daily diet, sexy body with ease!
One. Hearty breakfast may wish to
My breakfast is very rich, namely, egg, milk, five hundred milliliters, a number of cold dishes, plus cereal foods such as sweet potatoes, corn, whole wheat bread.
II. Do not eat Chinese food staple
Fine Chinese food to eat enough protein and vegetables, be careful not to eat the same with carbohydrates. Sperm protein, including tofu and other soy products and fish, poultry (skinless), thin cows, sheep, pork, etc., can easily eat; vegetables and even less restricted.
III. Tea time to add fruit
3 to 4 pm, you can eat two apples or a banana and other fruits to add energy.
IV. Dinner staple with cereals and vegetables

Eat whole wheat bread or pure cereals, pay attention to no more than 150 calories of heat. By the way, if the recent slight increase in weight, I will choose Yalai dinner staple diet biscuits (cookies can be delicious), to reduce weight. Very effective Yo! Do not fry vegetables, salad or boiled vegetable soup as much as possible.
Five. Late there is no heat Soup
Usually I would cook lotus lily white fungus soup and other soups have beauty as a delayed effect. Time is normally around 8 pm. Note Do not put sugar in the soup. This ensures that little heat soup. Long-standing down, to meet the appetite, regulate the atmosphere, enhancing the quality and nourish the face.

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