lose weight

Monday, December 20, 2010

7 slimming food, hang up local fat

Want to lose excess body fat, as long as the oil scraping eat some food on it, oh. 7 kinds of weight loss today Xiaobian recommended food for everyone, so you do not starve to slim down Oh, easy. Is not that amazing? Heart of the MM to make a quick try.
Are you still loose the fat on the body to worry about it? 7 today Xiaobian recommended weight loss food for you, help you thin face, thin waist, thin abdomen, thin hips, thin legs, thin legs, thin arms, easy to get 7 sites of excess fat, beautiful winter.
Apple can improve the renal or gastrointestinal function, emissions from the body, purify the blood, the body can gore, stool, water, toxic discharges, so that your health is more light. And Apple can shrink the stomach, decreased appetite, reduced intake of calories, fat naturally will not pile into a. Apple's unique malic acid, can accelerate metabolism, reduce lower body fat.
Papaya low in calories and rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. Papaya contains enzymes not only biodegradable proteins, carbohydrates, fat, more biodegradable. Papaya can promote metabolism, intestines to aid digestion, make your belly bulge more and more flat Oh, and papaya also breast magical effect it.
Celery is rich in dietary fiber, can promote metabolism, but also to wash the wall scraping, reduce fat, so smooth bowel movements, and celery is a low-calorie food, eat to lose weight.
Melon fat-free, rich in fiber and calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene. In addition, the melon containing alcohol acid, heat a diuretic effect, can prevent the accumulation of body fat. Contains trigonelline can promote the body's metabolism, and inhibit carbohydrate into fat.
Barley can lower blood lipid and blood sugar, promote metabolism, have a diuretic effect, effectively improve the edema, and barley low heat, do not eat Papan. And barley are rich in soluble fiber, can improve constipation, remove the body of accumulated toxins.
Mung bean sprouts
Mung bean sprouts are rich in vitamin C and a variety of body essential amino acids, can promote metabolism, accelerate fat burning, is a must eat to lose weight. Green bean is also rich in cellulose, can help rid their bodies of accumulated toxins, improve the phenomenon of constipation, abdominal Xiangshou the MM can eat, oh.
Jujube contains protein, amino acids, carotene, vitamin A, B2, C, P, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc., can promote gastrointestinal motility, to help digestion and absorption, flush toxins. Dates contained in the soap-like substances, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and so on.

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