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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

8 papaya breast cuisine

Want to have beautiful big boobs, do not need to go to the hospital Dong Daozi salt water bag, as long as you can easily eat up the food, oh great. Into winter, what to eat food most breast? Here, for you Xiaobian MM have identified a variety of small breast breast cuisine. Come and try!

One. Papaya salad

Ingredients: 150 grams of green papaya, carrots 50 grams, two pieces of lettuce leaves, garlic, dried chillies amount, lemon juice, sugar, a little

Method: lettuce pad to the bottom scoured, papaya, carrots cut into filaments into the lemon juice, garlic, pepper Stir the end of lettuce served in a can.

II. Assorted Papaya Bowl


1. Choose a beautiful papaya shape, a split in half, digging flesh, a natural container

2. The mango, papaya, pineapple, banana, kiwi slices, into the papaya bowl, drip juice, mixed according to taste some sugar and mix with salad dressing can be.

Raw papaya to note the following:

1. Select more than ripe papaya Bacheng

2. Do not cryopreservation

3. Part of the fresh papaya and papaya through cold winter may be slightly bitter taste, this is normal.

III. Papaya beef

Ingredients: papaya 1, 150 grams of beef, soy sauce, cooking wine right amount, 15 grams of oil


1. Carpaccio add soy sauce, cooking wine, salt for half an hour;

2. Papaya dices to the child;

3. To be the oil pan, put the marinated beef stir-fry 40 minutes to the fire;

4. To the small papaya juice with the oil filter out a few stir-fry;

5. Will be poured into a plate of papaya, melon slices of beef on to spread.

IV. Papaya fried steak

Ingredients: papaya 1, 200 grams steak, minced garlic, a little pepper, oyster sauce, stock, rice wine appropriate


1. Salt, starch and eggs to steak marinated first 4 hours, then the steak cut into strips;

2. The papaya cut into strips, the first low heat the oil;

3. With minced garlic, hot pepper to the pan until fragrant, the steak pot, then add oyster sauce, broth and a little rice wine;

4. Thicken with starch, then add papaya fry click.

Papaya can be cooked in oil sizzling, but no fried too long, otherwise it will destroy the nutritional content of papaya.

Five. Tremella papaya stew

Ingredients: 15 grams of white fungus, papaya (medium size) 1, North almond 10 grams, 12 grams southern apricot, crystal sugar


1. The fungus with water soaked hair open, wash;

2. Papaya Peel and Son, cut into small pieces;

3. South almonds peeled, washed, together with the white fungus with rock sugar for about 20 minutes into the stew pot.

Effects: Regular consumption can nourish the beauty, Yin lungs, that the skin moisture and prevent premature wrinkles, keep skin Huanen chest.

VI. Papaya pot lotus jujube

Ingredients: 1 papaya, red dates, lotus seeds, honey, crystal sugar.


1. Red dates, lotus seeds cooked add appropriate amount of candy stand;

2. The papaya cut open to children, into the red dates, lotus seeds, honey, you can cage steam through.

VII. Milk protein stew

Ingredients: 250 ml milk, egg white 1, 200 ml of water, a little rock sugar

Method: Add water stew 1 hour.

VIII. Breast milk yam

Ingredients: 1 bottle of yogurt, yam a

Practice: yam peeled and cut, take 1 to 2 along with the yogurt into the blender to mix with it (can be personal preference, the amount of sugar and pour boiled water.)

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