lose weight

Monday, December 13, 2010

9 resolve the merits of dietary weight loss

Want to lose weight, but I do not know where to start, lose weight more than ox hair, which is really suitable for you? Xiaobian diet for your weight-loss method analysis of 9 the merits, to help you find the most effective weight loss method.
Slimming Tea
Principle: The Fan diarrhea tea leaves of the main raw material to do to achieve the laxative effect, and the tea's caffeine biodegradable resin.
Advantages and disadvantages: Tea contains caffeine, can promote the metabolism burns calories and drinking too much may have stomach problems, and caffeine will lead to rapid heart beat, heart patients should be careful.
Sugar diet
Principle: Abbas carbohydrate, low calorie, reduced calorie intake.
Advantages and disadvantages: replace the normal sugar sweet, sugar and fewer calories than normal, even for people with diabetes. But precisely because of reduced calorie absorption, so the body's stored energy decline; and can not be over-heating, high temperature will lead to deterioration of these sugars to produce to the carcinogen.
Principle: Pepper contains capsaicin, or as alkaline, the higher the spicy ingredients more concentrated; can stimulate the central nervous system, promoting hormonal secretion, accelerate the metabolism. Temperature will be eating chili? Rise, consumption of energy the body to emit sweat, the energy consumption and effects similar to riding a bicycle to help fat burning.
Advantages and disadvantages: only a slight consumption of calories. Will eat more hot air, high concentrations of food on the taste buds are damaged or even burn the stomach.
Soup diet
Principle: all-put fruits and vegetables soup, no meat, low-calorie, fat is immune to eat for a week.
Advantages and disadvantages: a purely non-hybrid vegetables, meat, even if not spare even the residue, are definitely low-calorie, reduced appetite and help the bowel movement apart. However, less vegetable protein meat intake of protein, can not achieve a balanced diet.
Principle: eat less and less into more, fat-free opportunity to stay.
Advantages and disadvantages: weight decreased quickly at first, the loss is water, then the body automatically adjust the energy taken away from the muscle, the result is poor muscle strength, easily tired, easily torn, sweat. Recovery after injury by slow degrees.
Principle: Drugs containing laxatives does not absorb the grease, fat should not play functions.
Advantages and disadvantages: oil-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K would like to take oil to absorb into the body, have an adverse effect on the nutritional intake.
Principle: do not eat starchy foods when eating meat, reduced energy intake volume.
Advantages and disadvantages: difficult to digest meat, the meat alone would be a heavy burden on the stomach, and a balanced diet increased malnutrition. Meat, a large number of amino acids, the release of toxins the body does not absorb, so that the load increased kidney and liver.
Fruit meal
Principle: low-fat, low calorie foods can reduce fat accumulation.
Advantages and disadvantages: There is no doubt good fruit, but are single food can not reach a balanced diet; can not be ignored in some high calorie fruits (avocado, kiwi).

Apple cider vinegar
Principle: Anti-acid foods reduce fat accumulation.
Advantages and disadvantages: amount of vinegar, a body good, but not necessarily weight loss, and some sugar were too high, too easy to cause stomach discomfort. After reading, you know how to do it?

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