lose weight

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

8 eat food to lose weight, restore slim figure

What to eat to lose weight in winter? Can eat more food in winter too numerous, but in the end what you can lose weight eating it? Now, Xiao Bian 8 thin you recommend the best diet food, so you eat more lean in the winter, but also your slim figure.

A diet food in winter, black beans class

Eat more foods rich in black beans help reduce the steroid class level and can prevent diabetes. Protein content in black beans can reduce the rate of liver fat metabolism, reduce the production of various fatty acids and cholesterol, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the proportion of body fat.

Second, the winter diet food, potatoes

Eat potatoes to lose weight? Many people think that potato starch high fat eating is easy, in fact, the fat content of potato is only 0.1%, and potatoes high quality protein with animal protein is very close, and contains a more specific mucin, not only to relax catharsis, but also to help fat, cholesterol metabolism, while potatoes also has 8 essential amino acids the human body and a variety of vitamins, including vitamin c and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium content is high.

Three winter diet food, cabbage

Cabbage contains a large number of nutrients, especially the red cabbage also has antioxidant effects. Many famous models often eat broccoli, cabbage, because they know the benefits of weight to lose weight. The reason is per 100 grams of cabbage contains only 25 calories and sugar contained very low. Can stabilize blood sugar levels after eating this vegetable you will not feel hungry very quickly, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss diet.

Four winter diet food, carrots

General metabolism is low, poor circulation, it is very likely to be fat, if consumed over time so that the body heat is not converted to fat accumulation in the body fat of the original passage of time has become fierce.

The carrot as a powerful sword that can hinder this vicious cycle, because carrots in addition to containing vitamins and folic acid, calcium and dietary fiber, the fiber contained in plant metabolism can improve the body, if the regular consumption to achieve Natural weight loss results.

Five winter diet food, apple

Apple called a weight-loss seasons fruit. Not only can improve the renal or gastrointestinal function, while emissions from the body, purify the blood. Constipation is also a good secondary effect, apples contain a unique acid, will help accelerate the metabolic and reduce body fat.

Six winter diet food, pumpkin

Eat pumpkin will help smooth stool, skin-horses. Β-carotene content in the pumpkin is very rich, good eyesight protection, pumpkin contains unsaturated fatty acids is also helpful for weight loss.

Seven winter diet food, Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage is not only rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., but also rich in fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, elimination of edema. Chinese cabbage is low in calories and high moisture content (about 95%), weight loss is therefore an excellent food.

Eight winter diet food, sweet potato

Sweet potato is the best diet food! Nutrition experts say the sweet potato is the most balanced health food products. Per 500 grams of sweet potato contains 11.5 grams of protein, and only 1 gram of fat, 495 kcal of heat energy produced, sugar, 14.5 grams, is an excellent low-fat, low calorie foods, and can effectively prevent the sugar into fat.

And sweet potato also contains a lot of dietary fiber, carotenoids and various vitamins and trace elements. So sweet potato nutrition experts say is the most balanced nutritional diet and most affordable food.

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