lose weight

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Winter melon soup weight loss of 11 popular models

Now is the season of melon to eat, to lose weight sisters attention, melon contained alcohol acid, can effectively inhibit the sugar into fat, combined with melon itself does not contain fat, heat is not high, for the prevention of body fat is important, but also can help to build fitness.
We recommend the following to lose weight melon recipes for reference.
Winter melon soup Aloe: Aloe 3, melon half a catty, a few dates, Sydney one, honey appropriate.
Aloe Wash and cut melon, dates Sydney, clean cuts.
The melon into the pot, add 5 cups of water to boil, lower the heat and simmer until cooked, then add dates, Sydney, aloe vera and salt Luezhu can. This soup is the best prevention of obesity and eliminate anger, hot flashes caused by the body wet and edema.
Bean soup melon: melon 500 grams, 150 grams of green beans, onions 15 grams, ginger 5 grams, a little salt, soup 500 grams.
Wash pot set each, the insertion of boiling soup, skim foam.
Wash ginger film break into the pot, wash onions wok, add green beans.
Melon, peeled, to the flesh, wash, cut, put into pot, till cooked but not bad, the cast into the salt pot Serve.
Lotus melon soup: Zhang Xian Heye l, 500 grams of fresh melon, a little salt.
Wash the lotus leaf, torn to pieces; melon washed to remove stalks, cut into pieces.
The lotus leaf slices, melon slices into the pot, add some water Gong Zhu Cheng Tang, Shaofei to pick lotus leaf, salt seasoning Serve.
Lohan melon soup: 350 grams of melon, lotus seeds, lily, foreign barley, mushrooms, each 20 grams of gluten, pearl bamboo tablets, granules and 1 tablespoon of tofu, vegetarian soup 4 cups, 2 slices ginger, Salt to taste.
Melon peel and dice. Lotus seeds, lily, foreign barley wash, soak, steam cooked.
Soak mushrooms, washed, diced, gluten wash and dice.
Heat oil, saute ginger, boil vegetarian soup, add all ingredients, boil for 10 minutes, season with salt.

Winter melon soup ribs: ribs 250 grams, 250 grams of melon, ginger 4 slices, Salt to taste, a little MSG, 4 bowls of hot water.
Melon, ribs cut into small pieces, ginger cut filaments.
Take a large bowl, Sheng 4 bowl of hot water, the melon pieces, ribs and ginger into the block to high section of microwave cooking fire for 15-20 minutes, remove the seasoning with salt and MSG.

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