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Monday, November 29, 2010

Top Ten syrup calories

1) Walnut (130Kcal / bowl) Walnut had high fat content, but protein and fat are relatively low, so the calorie content can be maintained at a low level.

And Walnut has a high nutritional value, especially with a variety of vitamins, minerals and linoleic acid, has black hair beauty, soothing old age, laxative use side can be said to share the beauty, but also Tan Liang afraid of fat people is a good choice. Nutrients: protein: 1.2 fat: 1.2 Sugar: 27 Fiber: 1.3 (per gram)

2) tofu (120Kcal / bowl) is soy bean curd product, of course, enough nutrient rich, it is also a beauty food, soy can stimulate cell growth, aging, and lecithin cholesterol in the blood vessel wall can be removed to maintain blood pressure, heart health.

It can also provide choline to prevent fat accumulation, and prevent obesity caused by lack of choline. Therefore, tofu is definitely the most healthy and beneficial products. Of course, eating too much sugar has a different matter. Nutrients: protein: 7.6 fat: 2 Sugar: 19 Fiber: 0 (per gram)

3) green bean (180Kcal / bowl) green bean with red bean paste can be said that a pair of red and green duo, as their calorie content, nutritional composition and similar beans are spread apart and ultimately, some calcium rich B vitamins also help prevent beriberi.

Since the red bean tie, choose which one to look at your own taste it! Nutrients: protein: 3.8 fat: 0.9 Sugar: 39 Fiber: 0.4 (per gram)

4) Sago (140Kcal / bowl) sago can be regarded as low-calorie sugar, fat people have been afraid of a good choice, but the West is a powder manufactured goods, it supplies nutrition, with poor food such as rice and rice flour not.

There is no particular need to add, if it is used to satisfy your appetite can be, but do not arbitrarily go "fishing" other fruits, especially mango this popular partner, because of a mango is 240 calories of nutrition Ingredients: Protein: 0.8 fat: 2 Sugar: 30 Fiber: 0 (per gram)

5) almond paste (205Kcal / bowl) almond paste sesame paste is slightly lower than the calorie content, and almonds are rich in fat, protein, iron and calcium, with cell growth promoting effect of tin, eat helps moisturize the skin.

In addition, the role of almonds also Hua Chang, constipation, when to eat what can be will help you solve the troubles too! But do not forget it's caused by fat index to do. Nutrients: protein: 3.5 fat: 3.5 Sugar: 36 Fiber: 4 (per gram).

6) Red Bean (180Kcal / bowl) red bean paste can be said in the many sugar to the approachable, not only because it has been a popular choice for everyone, but calories are not too high. That is afraid of fat people, eat a little anyway.

Moreover, the red beans are rich in starch, protein, fiber quality and vitamin A and B, in particular cellulose, can prevent constipation. It has a diuretic effect, can eliminate edema. Nutrients: protein: 3.8 fat: 0.9 Sugar: 39 Fiber: 0.4 (per gram)

7) ginkgo yuba eggs syrup (220Kcal / bowl) with its calorie content of peanut paste had the same, but with an egg to 75Kcal, just remove the eggs, the calorie content is greatly reduced, if the fear of fat people can adjust itself.

Unrecognized well as the nutritional content of protein, retaining also the eggs into Dan Hua, the entire bowl of sugar calories also fell to 183 from 220. Nutrients: Protein: 10.9 Fat: 7.8 Sugar: 27.3 Fiber: 0 (per gram).

8) sesame paste (210Kcal / bowl) sesame paste the most remarkable effect is to maintain youth, it contains rich protein, Chu and moisturize the skin and companies can avoid premature wrinkles. It also has the function of conditioner can keep hair glossy black, it will paste sesame paste might also be called pretty.

But it can be considered very high calorie content, and the composition of sesame higher calories also come to promote, of course, still have to be pretty fat, but must you have chosen white. Nutrients: Protein: 3 Fat: 4.5 Sugar: 40 Fiber: 3 (per gram)

9) dumplings (400Kcal / bowl) We usually eat rice balls in printing of peanuts and sesame seeds are generally two types, both of similar caloric content, a 60Kcal, with a bowl of six dollars, calories as much as 360Kcal, plus with those from the sugar boiled soup, 400 calories more over time, far better than other sugar calorie content high enough, according to the list.

As for nutrition, peanuts and sesame seeds themselves are very rich in nutrients, but probably do not need to add fat cream away for this little bit of nutrition it! Nutrients: protein: 0.9 fat: 2.7 Sugar: 8.7 Fiber: 0 (per gram .)

10), peanut paste (220Kcal / bowl) flutter fragrant smell of peanut paste, and even a temptation, it also had quite content, because the peanut protein and fat content in its own halo are quite rich in nutrients is also quite a vitamin Bl, B2, E and calcium.

Vitamin B1 and B2 will help ease pressure on fatigue Yu, and fat is oleic acid in the bile can help reduce and prevent vein sclerosis with alcohol, but also because it is rich in protein and fat, calorie content so that it greatly enhanced. Nutrients: protein: 4 fat: 4 sugar: 3 Fiber: 6 (per gram)

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