No matter how hard you try, the layers of fat on the legs can not always cut down, even if you are dieting or trying very hard to no avail, this is not what makes you annoyed? Do not worry, Xiao Bian today recommended a stovepipe weight loss yoga, to help you easily lose fat on legs, not to miss their favorite snacks, easily make your legs beautiful woman.
1, the half-type
① stance, feet together, legs straight, arms straight over your head, hands and right shoulder to the rear bent, straightened up the chest, buttocks lift.
② head to the back, until it can be parallel to the floor until the arms and legs to keep straight, hips to lift.
2, Warriors style
Stance, a significant step forward left foot forward, knees bent, lower buttocks, right leg side until close to the floor, arms straight and hold just below the shoulders, head thrown back, the Department of Student Groups.
3, prayer-style
Stance, feet together, legs straight, arms placed in his chest, his hands clasped together, the Department of Student Groups, shoulders open, eyes straight ahead.
4, standing flexion
Stance, feet together, legs straight, bend down until your hands close to the pace, and placed on the floor, face close to his legs.
5, under the dog-type
Stance, feet together, legs straight, bend down, placed in front of the body homeopathic arms, shoulders down near the floor, lift the hips as far as possible, lowered head.
6, Cobra
Prone, legs straight and touch the ground, the foot Bengzhi, toes stays, stays in his arms just below the shoulder, and keep straight, head thrown back, chest, straightened up, slowly lift both legs off the ground.
7, Flat
Prone, legs straight and touch the ground, arms straight and hold just below the shoulders, slowly lift both legs off the ground, keep the body straight, toes stays in the body slightly forward push.
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